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Sam Miller Science

Feb 26, 2021

Melatonin has an interesting place and role in our health and wellbeing and it's function as a hormone and supplement is misunderstood in today's society. It's no secret that it is one of the most popular sleep supplement aids available but we also need to understand its endogenous properties and functions....

Feb 24, 2021

You're listening to this episode from me on this platform because, if you get this right, it may be the thing that leads to your largest business growth. We are incredibly curious and borderline obsessed when it comes to the science of physiology and that's why we love you. However, most of your clients don't share the...

Feb 22, 2021

Back to back Q&A episodes because we love to answer your questions. Today's Q&A tackles whether bloating is a normal bodily function or a symptom of something that needs addressing, hacks for a successful night of deep sleep, a continuation on Amenorrhea from the previous episode, and more. Topics and questions...

Feb 19, 2021

Back at the Q&A's from my instagram stories, covering your questions as a coach or someone in your own health and fitness transformation. Today's Q&A will cover a deep dive into Ashwagandha, addressing what binge eating actually is vs food guilt, what healthy female physiology is, and more. Topics and questions...

Feb 17, 2021

I recently received permission from a past Functional Nutrition and Metabolism Science Specialization client to share results from our time working together on a 1-1 health coaching capacity and I wanted to give you some tangible action steps and real before and after data in this deep dive. Many times we can talk...