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Sam Miller Science

May 31, 2023

I was ahead of my time as it seems. You've probably recently seen many ads for at-home heat and/or cold therapy devices but I did a Biohack or Bust series in 2021 all around this topic. I recently came across a solider study that reemphasized the use of cold therapy and its benefits. I'll break the study down along...

May 29, 2023

A very interesting study just came out this year analyzing the impact of content on the top 100 fitness Instagram accounts. These accounts went through a multi-tier screening process before being put on the list and the results were very interesting. We'll not only discuss what this study found from an education and...

May 26, 2023

Without you the listener, I'd just be sitting here talking to myself or my dogs if they would meander into my office. For that, I want to give you a free gift that me and my team put a lot of value and hard work into. Our Metabolism School 101: The Video Series. An incredibly in-depth video training series designed to...

May 24, 2023

The same fruit or the same vegetable back 50-100 years ago had a higher micronutrient status compared to the same fruit or vegetable today. Crazy right? Today's episode is understanding the state of modern food status and I won't get super in depth when it comes to the agriculture perspective but it's important to...

May 22, 2023

I'm so excited to share with you a recent interview I did with Mike Matthews on the Muscle for Life podcast. You've probably heard of Mike if you've been in the industry for any length of time and this was a great discussion all around metabolic health, biofeedback, factors and considerations to improve metabolism,...